
I am Hugo Aguirre. This is a showcase of some of my work.

I am a full stack software developer, engineer and craftsman from Puebla, Mexico.

I have been developing software since 2009, when I started coding profesionally on ActionScript 3.0 (yeah, Flash) on my old Presario 2200. I started coding as a hobby and as school assignments a bit earlier, but nothing serious aside some projects made on Visual Basic 6.0. Nowadays, I develop on several languages, frameworks, and platforms, choosing the best tool for the task at hand. You can see some of them in the projects on this site, or feel free to check my Github account.

Aside from coding, I am also a Software Engineer, so it is often my responsibility managing technical projects, choosing the best stack for each of them, defining standards for the team, and ensuring the quality of everything that is done and delivered.

Outside software, I enjoy videogames a lot. Pokémon is of my favorite games as you may have noticed. I also like to read about epistemology. Ultimately, developing software is also a matter of understanding knowledge.

Somethimes I go as bool or bul, you can call me that. Hugo is fine too. Thank you for visiting my site. I hope you find something interesting.